Wszyscy chyba słyszeliśmy o kontrowersjach wokół premiery ekranizacji Gry Endera. Wiele środowisk nawołuje do bojkotu filmu ze względu na antygejowskie wypowiedzi Orsona Scotta Carda. Oto jeden z najrozsądniejszych głosów w tej sprawie, autorstwa K. W. Jetera:

Whatever else results from the controversy about the soon-to-be-released ENDER’S GAME movie, and the boycott triggered by the anti-gay marriage stance of the original book’s author Orson Scott Card, there will probably be one unfortunate result for genre fiction and film enthusiasts:

It was already unlikely enough for a major, expensive film to be made from a living genre author’s book, other than best-selling “phenomenon” titles such as the Harry Potter books or THE HUNGER GAMES. If the ENDER’S GAME movie flops badly — and there’s a good chance it will — and that box-office disaster is in any way seen to be a result of the boycott against it, then it’s going to become even moreunlikely for a major film to be based on a book by a living genre author.

Why? Because there will be scenes around studio conference tables like this:

Junior execThis is a great book, boss, with enormous cinematic potential. We should make a movie out of it!

Senior execThe writer’s still alive? She is? What kind of baggage does she have? We don’t want a repeat of that Orson Scott Card kerfluffle. …