Archives for category: Wydarzenia

Wszyscy chyba słyszeliśmy o kontrowersjach wokół premiery ekranizacji Gry Endera. Wiele środowisk nawołuje do bojkotu filmu ze względu na antygejowskie wypowiedzi Orsona Scotta Carda. Oto jeden z najrozsądniejszych głosów w tej sprawie, autorstwa K. W. Jetera:

Whatever else results from the controversy about the soon-to-be-released ENDER’S GAME movie, and the boycott triggered by the anti-gay marriage stance of the original book’s author Orson Scott Card, there will probably be one unfortunate result for genre fiction and film enthusiasts:

It was already unlikely enough for a major, expensive film to be made from a living genre author’s book, other than best-selling “phenomenon” titles such as the Harry Potter books or THE HUNGER GAMES. If the ENDER’S GAME movie flops badly — and there’s a good chance it will — and that box-office disaster is in any way seen to be a result of the boycott against it, then it’s going to become even moreunlikely for a major film to be based on a book by a living genre author.

Why? Because there will be scenes around studio conference tables like this:

Junior execThis is a great book, boss, with enormous cinematic potential. We should make a movie out of it!

Senior execThe writer’s still alive? She is? What kind of baggage does she have? We don’t want a repeat of that Orson Scott Card kerfluffle. …

„2013 Campbell Conference”

Ośrodek kierowany (od roku już chyba tylko honorowo) przez Jamesa Gunna, znanego u nas głównie z krytyczno-literackiej antologii Droga do SF, jest programowo najciekawszym przedsięwzięciem promującym SF, z jakim ostatnio się zetknąłem. Niestety, wydaje mu się brakować prężności. Nawiązuje więc do klasyki, co widać na plakacie. Mimo wszystko strona to pozycja obowiązkowa dla wszystkich „edukatorów”.

This year’s Campbell Conference will take place on June 13 – 16 in Lawrence, Kansas. We will again meet in The Oread hotel for all our activities – and have a room block there, too – one block from our prior rooms in the Kansas Union at the University of Kansas. Using the theme of „To the Stars,” we will explore SF’s long relationship with off-planet travel, its promises, and the future of the human race as a galactic species. We will also discuss the important steps along the path to the stars. This year – in addition to the John W. Campbell Memorial Award and the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award – we give another literary honor during the Awards Ceremony: the „Lifeboat to the Stars” Award.

See on Scoop.itscience fiction, rhetoric and ideology

New Arthur C Clarke Centre to study Human Imagination. 24 May 2013 — Nalaka Gunawardene. Text and photos by Nalaka Gunawardene In San Diego, California. As a science fiction writer and scientific visionary, Sir Arthur C Clarke was …

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